Criminal Injury Claims
If you have a question that we’ve not covered here please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
What can I claim compensation for?
The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) in Great Britain provides compensation to victims of violent crime who have been physically or psychologically injured. The compensation is meant to help with the cost of recovery, such as medical expenses, and to provide financial support for those who have suffered a loss of earnings due to the injury. Here is a list of some of the common types of payments that are available through the scheme.
Physical injuries, for example, assault including Domestic Violence.
Disabling mental injuries.
Sexual or physical abuse, including Rape and historical sexual abuse.
The death of a close relative.
Paying for someone’s funeral.
Loss of earnings and special expenses.
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We're based in Crosby, Liverpool, UK
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Alison McCormack
0151 294 6307