Criminal Injury Claims

If you have a question that we’ve not covered here please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Alison McCormack


Can I make a CICA claim?

You may be able to claim compensation if you meet the CICA’s criteria for eligibility below:

The crime must have happened in England, Scotland or Wales.
You must apply to the CICA within 2 years from the date of the incident. The CICA may consider claims brought out of time if there are exceptional circumstances.
The injuries you are claiming for must be as a direct result of the incident and you must be the innocent victim of a violent crime.
The incident must have been reported to the police as soon as is reasonably practicable, this usually means immediately afterwards.

You must be a Britsih citizen or ordinarily resident in the uk at the time of the incident.

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We're based in Crosby, Liverpool, UK

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Alison McCormack Solicitors - Criminal Injury Claims Specialists

Alison McCormack


0151 294 6307

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